Tranquility Natural Healing
For The Organic Human...
The only thing that neutralizes the dark is the light and the truth. You must understand this basic principle. There is no fear in the truth. As an Energy Worker it is my only purpose to speak the truth, whether or not someone is willing to accept it. The truth is the truth and it is THE ONLY thing that will set you free. Walk in the light and speak your truth... or don't.
I originally created Tranquility Natural Healing as an escape from this upside down world we are navigating. I woke up and had this deep inner knowing that I was sent here to help humanity evolve. Little did I know where this would all lead too…
This is BioDigital Convergence. This is a one world surveillance state and global governance. This is the Fourth Industrial Revolution. “Its a fusion of the physical, the digital and the biological world. It's changing not only what we are doing, it's changing who we are.” “Its really the notion of digital technology pervasively impacting every walk of life, in every vertical industry in all parts of the globe.” "The speed is mind boggling. What I'm particularly concerned about is how little the world is prepared."
Digital/Nano technologies and Biological systems are beginning to combine and merge in ways that could be profoundly disruptive to society, the economy, privacy and our bodies. This is called the BioDigital Convergence. Digital/Nano technologies and Biological systems are fast becoming a part of our future, and how it will impact our lives. ***Nobody asked for this.
I am seeing a lot of similarities in my clientele’s problematic symptoms:
headaches, sore neck, shoulders, sinuses, nausea, dizziness which is all leading to congestion in the armpits and groin lymphatic’s…I CAN NOT STRESS HOW IMPORANT it is to clear these areas regularly.
I will explain today why this is happening to your bodies..
A digital twin is a virtual replica of something in the physical world, made from all the data known about the subject.
All the information that exists about us, and has been digitised, is bundled together and tethered to our identification; digital ID or biometric ID or facial recognition (all 3 in reality).
Web3, of which the metaverse is only a part, is a digital replica of earth with all its living and dynamic systems 'mirrored' online.
Our twins live there and are updated in real time and space from all the sensors in the environment continuously retrieving information. (phones, devices, appliances, cars, eScooters, LED smart lights, smart poles, satellites, people's private cameras, government databases, private industry's databases, Ray ban smart glasses, smart watches, smart meters, counters, licence plate readers, surveillance cameras, etc.)
A cyber twin can be anything: a person, a tree, a car, or bird. For planetary scale computing, the ambition is for EVERYTHING to be twinned, even your beating heart will ultimately be copied and inserted into your avatar, according to Nokia Bell Labs (for your safety).
It is a representation of real life (anything observable by the sensors) inserted into a digital representation of the world. It's a computer model made of real data.
The idea is to make controlling the world much easier by coordinating the economy of all resources, energy, production, consumption, waste, trade and transaction through the digital platform -which will directly and accurately affect ('operate') the real (physical) world.
Cindy Niles
The Internet Of BioNano Things = The Internet In Your Cells
Brian Mitchell upacks the BioDigital Convergence.
"Monsters Inside Me"
The Internet In Your Cells = IoBNT
PANACEA = Latin, for a cure for everything. To eliminate human disease and cancer. To extend human life and re-engineer human beings for a digital connected world.
"IoBNT" Is Foundational To The "Biodigital Convergence", As Told Openly To You By "Policy Horizons", Which Is A Think Tank For The Canadian Government.
It is the merging of man to the digital world, and all connected together.
This post and the comments beneath it, explains so much to you... Please consider the comments to be divided into chapters, that makes up a massive book of acquired knowledge, gathered so far.
This post and comments fully documents the IoBNT – "Internet of BioNano Things" which I've confirmed so far is "installed" through injections, and also in recent hip implants. Other ways are possible, such as aerosolized inhaled, but I cannot document that just yet. But it is possible "in my opinion".
The sources for everything that I am telling you, is inside the comments section of this post below.
I do it this way, to avoid censorship of me. The people of this world, needs this vital information.
Learn everything that you possibly can, about the "BioDigital Convergence" and the "IoBNT" - Internet of BioNano Things.
WBAN - Wireless Body Area Networks.
Your lives, and your entire futures depend upon it !
IoBNT is connected to the internet cloud, wirelessly !!!
They can track, trace and quarantine people, through this IoBNT system.
Can you imagine your body’s cells connected to the internet? What about not only measuring your health but literally taking control of it?
They will say it will be for the prevention of disease, but you open yourself up to severe privacy concerns at the very least.
This is part of how they will sell it, once they publicly acknowledge what they have done, at some point in the near future, as a real-time health monitoring "system" to prevent and early detect illness and severe health problems.
Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz is the world's top Telecommunications expert, and he is the visionary for not only IoBNT, but also wireless 4g-5g-6g and beyond, the Metaverse and NASA satellite communications.
Prof. Josep Jornet is his star student. "It is not science fiction and it is happening. It will take a lot for people to be able to do it in their homes." ~ Professor Josep Jornet (video made in 2021)
"The 21st Century Will Be The Century Of The Molecular/Biological World". ~ Prof. I. A. Akyildiz
The engineer designer of this BioNano system believes and says on video, that man's lifespan can be extended with up to an additional 200 years to people lives. ~ Prof. I. F. Akyildiz
The telecommunications designer of the IoBNT system, said on Aug. 18th, 2020, on video, that they were working on the framework of the IoBNT system, to go with the upcoming j@bs, that were coming out later on.
The visionary and global telecommunications expert, Prof. I. F. Akyildiz, who built this overall system, had direct foreknowledge of the 2020 event, in both 2011 and 2012, and said so on video, to other engineering students at the University of North Carolina and Georgia Tech.
He also said on video that the Wildfire would catch in 2021, and this was said on video, in 2011 and 2012. How did this man know that this "Molecular Era" would happen, and start in 2020, 9 years prior to 2020 ?
Prof. I. F. Akyildiz said mRNA is nothing more then small scale nano machines, and he said this, on video, in a March 2023 IEEE conference.
He also said in this same IEEE conference, in March 2023 United Arab Emirates, that it was all going well with the jabs and monitoring peoples health problems.
This professor Akyildiz, also says the long-term goal is "Human Cell Engineering" by using a "Lentivirus cell" ( a special type of virus used in genetic engineering) to infect and insert new DNA code into human cells and reprogram the DNA or insert new DNA or parts of DNA of other human cells.
Akyildiz began the research into IoBNT in 2006, and he coined the term "Internet of Bio Nano Things" in 2008.
He created many research centers throughout the world such as Barcelona, Spain, Finland, Moscow, Russia, etc.
He received many "projects" from the US Army and the NSF.
He says they will create these nano machines and inject them. Like artificial bacteria. To attack many diseases.
They will have these gateways and interfaces. Also called bio cyber interfaces.
They mention wearable tattoos. Can have 1 or multiple. NFC = "Near field communications" with cell phones and the backbone internet. Towards An In Vivo "In Body" Internet/Network
The future of communications & healthcare is to create a real-time biological interface between humans and the digital world.
IoBNT is how they will hook everyone up to the internet cloud "wirelessly" and connected together for the IoT Internet of Things.
It is meant to be the wireless healthcare solution to replace the current infrastructure of what we presently have.
24/7 real-time monitoring and testing. Addons are in the works for this system.
It is also a "biocyber defense interface", that came out of US Army and National Science Foundation funding. Other funding sources are very possible.
All done wirelessly.
They literally will connect everything together to the internet cloud, including all humans, farm/zoo animals, inanimate objects etc, for the Internet Of Things - IoT and The Internet Of Everything - IoE.
IoBNT is foundational to the "BioDigital Convergence" (aka Transhumanism), as openly told to you by Policy Horizons think tank - Canada.
The BioDigital Convergence is the merging of human beings with the digital world and connecting all together.
For a United Humanity, the Internet of Democracy, global wireless Healthcare to replace the current infrastructure system.
IoBNT consists of engineered bacteria (e. Coli primarily), inserted proteins, genetically modified cells, man-made self-assembling components such as graphene based plasmonic antennas in the blood vessels, and hybrids that combine both biological and man-made.
Your bodies own cells can be considered to have roughly the same functionality as computer components. Same goes for Engineered bacteria.
Bacteria, such as e. Coli, your cells and proteins, can be modified to improve these inherent computing capabilities.
The Governments Of The Earth Want To Know What Is Happening Under Our Skin...And inside of our bodies.
* "We will look back upon 2020 as the inflection point when 24/7 (biomedical) surveillance started going under the skin." ~ Yuval Noah Hariri
The 4th Industrial Revolution Changes You.
To keep up with AI & robotic automation of everything, we will feel the need to augment ourselves in-order to keep up and stay relevant.
A Big Impact On Your Identity, As A Human Being.
"They" want us to be digital, and all connected together, in the computing cloud, as a hive mind, but I say NO !!!
IoBNT has been in the works since at least 2006, by many different research groups and countries, around the world.
The Internet Of BioNano Things has been in use since before 2011-2012, inside human beings. There are education institutions and training courses, across the world, on this BioNano system, going back many years, late 2000's.
To prepare for it's adaption in our society.
The US government put the full weight of the Federal government behind the effort to bring nano technology to its fruition, starting in 2002, to pull all of this off, starting in 2020-2021.
It is directly reported to the highest levels of government, the president or whoever is actually running America. Nano technology has been in our food supply since the 1990s...
What is the purpose of this installed system?
In basic terms that anyone can understand...
They are guiding, managing and transforming the human race into what you might call transhumanist cyborgs, or the idea of what you currently understand.
Merging us with the digital world.
A Fusion.
The Bio Digital Convergence.
The Internet of Bio-Nano Things.
This is taking place globally and coordinated.
Your connected future...
The connecting of man to the internet.
The IoBNT is the foundational bridge that makes it all possible.
This IoBNT system is meant for wireless "Personalized, Preventive and Participatory Healthcare", and reduce costs, as well as eliminate disease in humans.
They intend with this "connected internet body system", that doctors, labs etc will not be needed and drastically reduced. This is to reduce healthcare costs.
They are turning the human race into a new species. Life in their image.
Because the knowledge and vulnerability of human beings has become too great to other nations, organizations and individuals with the means to cause horrors with these technologies of gene editing, synthetic biology and weaponized Nano technology.
To reduce healthcare costs and current infrastructure. For Synthetic Biology, Personalized & Translational Medicine, and far more.
This "IoBNT" system, is meant to be added onto, with additional devices and wearables. Both inside and outside the body.
Prof. Josep Jornet says that under skin chips are and will be mass produced.
"placed under the skin of your right hand, in the wrist area".
Plasmonic Interferometer array biochip as a new mobile medical device for cancer detection.
Prof. J. M. Jornet is the star student of Prof. I. F. Akyildiz
He says full disclosure:
He started this war with Prof. Akyildiz, at the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta.
Says Prof. Akyildiz is a real visionary and that he is 10 years ahead of the rest of the community.
Jornet is Prof. Akyildiz's student and that he works on many things that people think are crazy.
Prof. Jornet says it is not crazy..
It is not science fiction!!! It is the future.
He says.
"All of this, is done "wirelessly".
~ Professor Josep Jornet
"Depends upon who controls these technologies. And who makes the healthcare choices for you."
~ Brian Mitchell
You need to know:
* The introduction of graphene antennas and materials in 2004, is how the "Internet of Bio Nano Things" started and became a reality.
* That "engineered and programmed" bacteria and cells have the same functionality and components as traditional computing devices...
* Your cells in your body are the same as computing devices.
* They communicate by emitting molecules and proteins. * They can be connected wirelessly to each other and to the internet.
* There are both "biological" and "man-made", small scale nano machinery.
* There are "hybrids" that combine both, biological and man-made nano machinery. * Syntheic proteins can be introduced into the body and go exactly where they want them to go.
* These proteins then fuse with your neurons in the brain for example to make them sensitive to light such as blue.
* This enables the "optical brain interfaces", as a key step.
* Remember that "these things" are injected into the body...So they move to these organs...Targeted.
* Your health data is going to the CDC that is collected from this system.
* Machine learning and artificial intelligence is being used.
* Deep learning for early detection of infection and diseases.
* Synthetic Biology and Molecular Communications is the present and new IT industry that will replace traditional IT computing that you are familiar with.
All of the new technologies and discoveries will be within the human body and built into it.
This is the "Biodigital Convergence".
A merging of the biological, physical and digital worlds of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Where everything is fully connected to the networks of the "Internet of Bodies" or IoT and the "Internet Of Things".
Foundational to all of the above is DNA-genetic editing.
"The Internet Of Bio Nano Things" aka IoBNT and terraforming of the environment for a digital, transhumanist world .
* Traditional computing devices and hand held cell phones will wind down as this revolution in technology goes mainstream and they normalize it.
As technology is disclosed to the public and AI Robotic Automation accelerates, there will be overwhelming pressure upon individuals to augment and upgrade themselves to compete and thrive in this fast changing world.
It is simply the way it is and will be.
***Sugar & Engineered Bacteria:
* Prof. Akyildiz says in the post "Internet of Bio Nano Things - Part 11" that if you feed them sugar, (the engineered nano bacteria) they grow exponentially and multiply. I am assuming that he means inside the human body.
Moist areas he says.
Says if there is not enough glucose then the (engineered nano) bacteria dies.
Everyone eats sugar and produces blood glucose... Imagine that.
The more sugar you eat, the larger the colony becomes, the more tired that you become...even more so. As they feed like vampires.
They do have a glucose and blood sugar monitoring networks in the body...
*** There is inserted proteins into your bodies, that binds with your brains neurons, for new light/optical brain interface communications, "Optogenetics".
The inserted protein "trick" into the neurons of your brain, for "BCI" brain-computer interface, is way more advanced then "Neurolink", which is old technology....
Does not require surgery or holes in your skull. The Magento Protein, is one example - Magnegentics And Optogenetics
What can they do to you, once it is installed ?
* "Lentivirus cell" ( a special type of virus used in genetic engineering) to infect and insert new DNA code into human cells and reprogram the DNA or insert new DNA or parts of DNA of other human cells.
The long-term goal is to infect and insert new DNA code into human cells and reprogram the DNA or insert new DNA or parts of DNA of other human cells.
~ per Prof. I. F. Akyildiz
* Wirelessly edit your genome....
* It can reach the doctors and they can remotely reprogram them...
* Transmits queries and commands. 2 way communication.
* They can cause and cure disease in the human body.
* This "IoBNT" system runs on 5g, but it needs 6g and above to see it's full potential.
* Luciferase is used to show if your infected or not with the virus etc....
Upon detection of infection or disease, the system releases bioluminescence or florescence.
Can be used for other detections and or signaling.
An example for Cancer:
Cancer cells emit molecules into your bloodstream, known as cancer biomarkers.
These same biomarkers "can" trigger other healthy cells to become cancerous.
Would it not be great if there are bio sensors in the body which can detect this process? You need a sensor that is reactive to these things.
Is this something that is already happening? Why yes, Prof. Jornet says.
These biosensors are small scale nano machines/engineered bacteria/nanoparticles/ introduced to the body.
* The system uses, Bluetooth, Near Field Communications, Molecular communications and LiFi and light/optical for "BCI". Wirelessly.
Human & Animal Drones
1 tiny protein, delivered to the right place in the human body and with the right "signal" can control and operate people just like a drone. Payloads can be activated as well.
These "proteins" are targetable, and can be moved to the places they want them to be in such as the brain, etc...
There are animal drones as well.
They can add and subtract anything to the DNA and it can be done remotely via the right signal.
Allows for human and non-human animal drones and augmenting humans as needed for missions in military & security as examples.
They can edit your genome. DREADDS can be remotely controlled and activated when the body is exposed to the right "signal" or frequency...
Transfer memory. Create any product as long as you know the correct DNA sequence and insert it into a living organism. And you can remotely control it. Affect the way you think and act. Body autonomy, your DNA and your data should be protected far more then it is now.
If you have read all of the documentation provided to you, then you would know this.
Do you think I'm joking?
I am not.
An example:
How to Control - 2009... Video 2 mins 19 secs
Dr. Charles Morgan speaks to cadets and faculty at West Point about a range of topics, including psychology, neurobiology, and the science of humans at war. Dr. Morgan's neurobiological and forensic research has established him as an international expert in post-traumatic stress disorder, eyewitness memory, and human performance under conditions of high stress.
IoBNT Communications:
Bacteria and cells use "molecular communications" to talk to each other inside the human body with other nano networks. There are 2 tracks, or types of nano machinery.
Biological and man-made. "Hybrids too, that combine both."
Synthetic Biology & "Molecular Communications"
* Wireless Optogenetic Nanonetworks
* Using Light To Wirelessly Re-programming the genome, through "Optogenetics" * Rhodopsin Channel - Optogenetics - BMI - Brain Machine Interfaces
* Nanophotonic Wireless Communication Networks - For Optogentics & Editing The Genome Wirelessly
* Giving proteins to the neurons, to control their behavior.
* Channel Rhodopsin. If you add this channel to your neurons and then shine blue light, you can open the gates of these neurons.
* Blue light must be present to open the neurons. If not the channel is closed.
* This was learned 15 years ago, as of 2021.
* They can control neurons through Optogenetics.
* Your cells are nano machines.
Your DNA is the processor. Your DNA is the source code. Every cell in the body has the same DNA. But...different cells effects different chucks of the DNA. Different cells run different functions in the DNA.
* Can control the development of cells.
* The development of optical nano-bio interfaces is a fundamental step toward connecting biological networks and traditional electronic computing systems.
They went to optical frequencies because they wanted a small antenna for signals in and out of the human body.
Enter Graphene:
To make nano sized antennas at lower frequencies.
* Graphene has been "theoretically investigated since 1859
* Graphene has been around 16-17 years old as of 2021. Became available in 2004.
* They care about Graphene in regards to nano materials because of "plasmonics"... * This plays into "Optical Optogenetics".
* With Graphene these properties are already true and can operate at terahertz frequencies ie 6g....and above, natively.
The introduction of graphene antennas and materials in 2004, is how the "Internet of Bio Nano Things" started and became a reality.
All they need to do is insert new proteins that bind to your neurons to make them sensitive to different light such as blue.
IEEE P1906.1
Recommended Practice for Nanoscale and Molecular Communication Framework is a standards working group sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society Standards Development Board whose goal is to develop a common framework for nanoscale and molecular communication.
Nano networking
Nano scale communication networks
In-vivo IoBNT
Just incase you don't realize it...
IEEE P1906.1 is the international and official regulation standard for the "communications" of "The Internet Of Bio Nano Things" or IoBNT.
IEEE is THE world wide engineering standards organization. This includes small scale manufactured nano technology machinery, engineered Bacteria and genetically modified cells inside human bodies and environmental monitoring, etc. To connect them all to the IoT, Internet Of Things and IoB Internet of Bodies.
MONACO (Monitoring & Advanced Communications For NANONETWORKS) "MONACO Project" = Molecular Nano-Communication Networks Molecular Nano-Communication Defined as the transmission and reception of information "encoded" in molecules.
Why isn't our authorities being honest with us?
There are many questions that need to be "sharply" demanded.
The documentation and literature on this topic is prolific and massive in global scope.
They certainly never told us they wanted to merge humans with the digital world and give us a inorganic & biological 2nd immune system to reduce healthcare costs for the future...
The infrastructure of Project NextGen is the beginning of the public roll-out of all that we have been warning about, here in America.
It appears at first glance to also go hand in hand with the new Federal Health agency called "ARPA", which the version of DARPA for healthcare and pre-crime thought detection prevention.
The replacement of our current healthcare system and biological surveillance.
"One Health" Global Initiative
Operate Human Beings via Remote.
All of this is fully documented in the comments section below:
-Original 230 pages | UN BioDigital Convergence Webinar (2022) = Biosensors, Ubiquitous and continual monitoring (24/7 biometric surveillance), Digital Twins, Geoengineering (stratospheric aerosol injection), Nanotechnology, Genetic engineering/Genome editing, IoT (Internet Of Things), BMI (Brain-Machine Interface), Smart Cities, Metaverse, UN-SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) + Fourth Industrial Revolution | Keywords highlighted
An introductionto Bio-DigitalConvergence v 0.1
BioDigital Convergence
convergence of engineering, nanotechnology, biotechnology, information technology and cognitive science
Note 1 to entry: convergence means the creative union of sciences, technologies, engineering and
peoples, focused on mutual benefit; this is a process requiring increasing integration across
traditionally separate disciplines, areas of relevance, and across multiple levels of abstraction and
[SOURCE: Modified from: M. C. Roco, W. S. Bainbridge, B. Tonn, and G. Whitesides, Eds., Convergence of Knowledge, Technology and Society: Beyond Convergence of
Nano-Bio-Info-Cognitive Technologies. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2013. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-02204-8.
Government of Canada Website
Exploring biodigital convergence : what happens when biology and digital technology merge?: PH4-185/2019E-PDF
"In this initial paper, we define and explore biodigital convergence – why it is important to explore now, its characteristics, what new capabilities could arise from it, and some initial policy implications"--Foreword, page 5.